Monday, 5 March 2007

Don't ever sell chickens on the COAST

I am a member of COAST, Cornwall Sustainable Tourism Project. I joined COAST for one reason and one reason only: because I liked they way their name wasn't an ACRONYM, but almost was. So anyway, COAST help out with sustaining tourism in the area buy building more parks and boating lakes, with ducks. There is a mailing list in COAST that you can use to mail everyone in the COAST network.

I have used it once or twice before, to punt this blog or something, and never got any real response. Today I used it to try to get rid of the chickens mentioned in this post and I have been inundated, absolutely inundated, by people offering to take me chucks off me. They were gone in like, fifteen minutes, to another man called Paul but not the Paul from Saturday night.

Please, for the mother of god, the chickens are gone!!!


Anonymous said...

Although I may have to dispute the raison d'etre for CoaST being to build more boating ponds for ducks, I am delighted to hear that we have been able to help rehouse the chickens in question. We are here to serve. :-)

Manda Brookman


MR said...