Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Midcornwall Diary: Level 3 Cider Fast

I am 52 hours into a 72 hour official Cider Fast and so far I haven't had any cider; just water and black coffee/tea.

I am very confident I will complete the fast, the hard part is going to be tonight, when I am out courting my domestic assistant, via the medium of Pub Quiz.

So far, since Sunday Lunch, I have battled errant hoola-hoops, delightful almonds and abundant free pizza, the latter being by far the hardest conquest. But tonight, in order to make this a both genuine and official Cider Fast (rather than a sham, "Ohhh... check me out,  I once ate a couple of apples on a fast" kind of a "Cider Fast") I am going to have to push through at least three pints... all whilst answering general knowledge questions.

To those of you who don't PTG, the official rules of a Cider Fast, according to the classic "Fast Games For Families" state that:

'one imperial pint of cider per full day period, which may, depending on the dedication and aptitude of the player, be consumed, adhering of course to common decency,  in constant sippage or in a single sitting of a more serious sipping."
Fast Games For Families, Gretchin and Karriboo, 1908 

I have done a couple of L1 Cider Fasts before, but this is the first L3, and I am confident that if I can master the cider tonight (which is essentially fizzy fermented apple tea, after all) I just need make my way through Kebab Ally and I should be good to go until tomorrow lunch....Yabadabado. Level Complete.

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